Saturday 19 November 2016

Interior decorating time

I've been busy finishing assignments and then working, so I haven't yet completed the doll house for my niece.  But today I got my creative on and decided to get the interior decorating moved along.

Yesterday I did some paint touch ups... and this is another reason I have been not progressing... the need to be as perfect as possible.  Today I was satisfied the paint was dry and good enough for me to get on with wallpapering the walls using scrapbooking paper.

As a teacher, I am a bit of a collector of interesting paper for displays and mounting pictures and stories and I find scrapbooking paper fabulous for creating a bit of drama in the class displays.  And consequently I thought it would be suitable for wallpapering the doll house.

I had some gorgeous embossed shiny dark blue scrapbooking paper that I thought was very luxurious looking.  I had to cut it to shape as the top of the hous on the inside goes with the roof line, so there was some tricky manouvering to get the shape and cut good enough.


Because the paper wasn't quite tall enough, I needed to fill the gaps at the top with the offcuts before gluing on the main paper.

I used craft glue, which looks like it is just PVA to me.  I think I was a bit hit and miss with getting the right coverage of glue initially on the back.  I realised when I got the second wall done that a sponge would help move out the air bubbles behind the paper and get the glue to go to the edges.  It helps with the final finish.  I think if I did this again though I may try this with a paste glue rather than a PVA glue... it may improve the finish further.

As you can see above, the shiny paper is not very forgiving.

Due to the darkness of the blue paper I decided to paper the outter wall of each upstairs room with the blue shiny paper, and then use a light purple flower embossed paper with a different texture for the two interior walls.  I thought the light purple would lighten the interior of these rooms and harmonise with the lilac paint on the exterior.


 For the downstairs of the house I decided to go with a bright floral look.  The paper with the big flowers was to go on both the outter walls of each room, with a contrasting inner wall paper being the two other papers.  Well that was the intention....

I needed to trim the paper to fit the space.  So I used a ruler and measured the height of each wall downstairs... they were all the same: 25.4cm high.  The width of the room was pretty much the width of the paper.  So on the dull side I measured what needed to be cut off and trimmed it off ready for gluing.

I did this very well for the first two pieces in the room on the right....


But it went to custard on the second room.  My brain was full of the Kaikoura earthquake from earlier this week and the plight of the stranded paua exposed on dry rock in the hot sun after the seabed was raised 2 metres as a result of the earthquake... and I measured and cut the pieces for the other room to 24.4cm!!  The gap was just too much!  I had to choose alternative papers!

Luckily I still had another page just like the one on the inner wall, so I cut that right and put it on the wall backing onto it.  I weighed up three other options, and settled on the stripey paper as a contrast to the floral throughout the rest of the rooms, rather than the two very bold patterns you can see above.

I had intended to have the stripes vertical... but again my brain was on earthquakes and paua and I cut it along the horizontal!  So the left outter wall has horizontal stripes!

With the wallpapering completed, I decided some bling was needed. 

Quite often, with scrapbooking paper, comes some little blingy bits.  I had also purchased some mirror pieces and some other shiny bling.

With the upstairs room on the right, I decided to put up an icicle frieze as my niece is a bit of a Frozen addict and accent it with some glass dimantes underneath.  I also put a light blue dimante in opposite corners of three square mirrored pieced and hot glued these to the back wall.  With the upstairs room on the left I used the flowers from the scrapbooking kit and some sparkly cutouts to create a random piece of floral wall art.  I think it breaks up the darkness of the wall in each room.  You can see the craft glue was yet to dry when I took the photo.

In the downstairs room on the right I used several of the flowers from the scrapbooking kit to make one piece of art to break up the pinkness of the wall.

I found in my bits and pieces some offcuts of flowers I had kept from another project (which slips my mind) that echoed the outter wall in the room on the right.  So I decided to use the flower offcuts to break up the stripiness of the room and add some drama.

I'm feeling pretty happy about the effect of the decorating... but I still feel it's not quite right.  But rather than getting carried away and over doing it, I've decided to stop for the day, step back and reflect... and give myself time to go $2 Shop shopping again!!

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